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Winter Scenery

Uses and non-uses

Spas - Cold Plunge - Saunas infrared

In the exciting world of inflatable spas, cold plunges, and infrared saunas, it's essential to understand both the uses and non-uses of these products to ensure an optimal and safe experience. Below, we will explore the various applications of inflatable spas, cold plunges, and infrared saunas, highlighting their versatility and enjoyment, as well as common mistakes to avoid in order to maximize their durability and functionality. With this information, you can make the most of your investment and enjoy moments of relaxation without complications.



This information sheet summarises how the spa works and how you should use it. Give us
a call if you have any questions or problems.

Please do not try to fix it yourself.
Phone +64 210417061
Phone +64 273165851

✔ Keep the spa covered with the inflatable bladder & thermal lid whenever the
spa is not in use.
✔ Add one teaspoon of spa sanitiser per person per use (after use).
✔ Remove the filter daily and rinse under a tap (to remove the filter turn it anti-clockwise).
✔ Please shower before use.
✔ Do not use soaps in the spa.
✔ Do not have glass in or near the spa.
✔ Children must be supervised at all times.

Children must be supervised at all times. Seats, benches, or anything that could be climbed on must

be kept more than a metre from the edge of the spa.

It is very important to maintain the water quality of the spa by adding one teaspoon of
spa sanitiser per person per use at the end of each day while the spa bubble function is
on. If you have any concerns about water quality, please contact us for a free water
quality check.

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the use of the chemical or if you
would like a copy of the safety data sheet for the chlorine provided.


Without power the spa will not heat or filter.
When removing the lid, place the lid on the ground silver side up and place the heat
retaining bladder on top, to ensure both lids and the spa stay as clean as possible.
Water Temperature – arrow buttons To set the water temperature press the up or
down arrows to adjust as needed. A temperature of between 38-42 degrees is
considered to be safe for healthy adults. Lower water temperatures are recommended for
young children and pregnant women.
Heater button – must always be on The heater button glows red when it is heating
and green when at the set temperature. It should stay on for the duration of the hire. It is
very important that the spa is covered with both lids when not in use or after 2 hours of
use. Expect an increase of 1-2 degrees per hour.

Filter button

The button will glow green when the filtration system is on. Filtration is activated
automatically when the spa heater is turned on and doesn’t need to be turned on separately.
Bubble function
Press to activate the bubble function. The bubble function will turn off after 20 minutes of
use and can be reactivated after 10 minutes.




  • Store locked up and keep away from children.

  • Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

  • Keep away from heat/ sparks/ open flames/ hot surfaces. No smoking.

  • Keep/ store away from clothing and take precautions to avoid mixing combustible materials.

  • Avoid breathing dust/ fume/ gas/ mists/ vapours/ spray. Wash thoroughly after handling.

  • Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product.

  • Wear protective gloves/ protective clothing/ eye protection/ face protection.

  • Avoid release to the environment.


  • If SWALLOWED: Do NOT induce vomiting. Immediately rinse mouth with water. Give a glass of

  • water. Seek immediate medical assistance. Call a POISON CENTRE (0800 POISON or 0800 764 766) or

  • doctor if you fell unwell.

  • If on SKIN: Wash with. If skin or hair contact occurs, immediately remove any contaminated clothing

  • and wash skin and hair thoroughly with plenty of soap and water. If swelling, redness, blistering or

  • irritation occurs seek medical assistance. For skin burns, cover with a clean, dry dressing until

  • medical help is available. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse.

  • If INHALED: Call a POISON CENTRE (0800 POISON or 0800 764 766) or doctor if you feel unwell.

  • Remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If patient finds

  • breathing difficult and develops a bluish discolouration of the skin (which suggests a lack of oxygen

  • in the blood - cyanosis), ensure airways are clear of any obstruction and have a qualified person give

  • oxygen through a face mask. Apply artificial respiration if patient is not breathing. Seek immediate

  • medical advice.

  • If in EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and

  • easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye or skin irritation persist get medical advice. Take off

  • contaminated clothing and wash before re-use. Collect spillage.

  •  Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed: Treat

  • symptomatically. Effects may be delayed. Delayed pulmonary oedema may result.

  • In case of FIRE: Do NOT use water, unless large quantities are available. Suitable Extinguishing

  • Media: Not combustible, however, if material is involved in a fire use: Fine water spray, normal

  • foam, dry agent (carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder).



This information sheet summarises how the SAUNAS INFRARED works and how you should use it. Give us
a call if you have any questions or problems.

Please do not try to fix it yourself.
Phone +64 210417061
Phone +64 273165851

✔ Leave the sauna in the same position as you found it, do not try to move it.
✔ Always use the SAUNA with a clean towel to sit on.
✔ Only water is allowed in, do not drink other beverages inside, they may spill and damage the sauna.

✔ Food cannot be brought inside.

✔ Do not have glass in or near the SAUNA.
✔ Please shower before use.
✔ Do not use soaps in the SAUNAS
✔ Children must be supervised at all times

✔ If it works continuously for more than 4 hours, it should be turned off for half an hour..

✔Use of the device during thunderstorms is prohibited.

✔It is forbidden to bring electronic devices with lithium batteries into this product (such as mobile phones, tablets, electronic watches, etc.).


Usage prohibition

1.Use with caution after drinking alcohol.

2.Do not sleep inside the device while it is working.

3.It is contraindicated for those with skin erosion or unhealed wounds after surgery.

4.If you have any medical condition, you must consult a doctor before using the sauna.

5.5、Please consult your doctor before use when you are sick or taking medicine.

6.Do not use it after intense exercise. It is recommended to wait for about 30 minutes (the body

temperature returns to normal) before use.

7.Do not use if you are or may become pregnant (excessive temperature may endanger the fetus).

8.Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can cause burns. Note: Overheating (dizziness, weakness, drowsiness and fainting) please discontinue use immediately.

9.Consult your doctor before use if you have obesity, heart disease, blood pressure problems, circulatory disease or diabetes.

10.Be careful about bumping your head in and out of the sauna.

11.This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) who are incapacitated, sluggish or mentally handicapped unless under the direction or assistance of a person responsible for their safety.

It is very important to keep the SAUNA clean, not to leave your belongings inside and it is strictly forbidden to eat or drink (except water) inside the SAUNA., please contact us for any some inconvenience.

Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the use of the SAUNA.


A function manual will be provided



This information sheet summarises how the COLD PLUNGE works and how you should use it. Give us
a call if you have any questions or problems.

Please do not try to fix it yourself.
Phone +64 210417061
Phone +64 273165851

✔ Keep the spa covered with the inflatable thermal lid whenever the
cold plunge is not in use.
✔ Please shower before use.
✔ Do not use soaps in the cold plunge.
✔ Do not have glass in or near the cold plunge.
✔ Children must be supervised at all times.

Children must be supervised at all times. Seats, benches, or anything that could be climbed on must

be kept more than a metre from the edge of the spa.

It is very important that you do not pollute the water, do not put food, grass, dirt or garbage into the water..


Without power the Cold plunge will not cold or filter water.
Once you remove the cover, leave it in a safe place and do not walk or sit on it.
Replace the lid after each use to keep the water as clean as possible.Water Temperature – arrow buttons To set the water temperature press the up or down arrows to adjust as needed. A temperature of between 3 to 20 degrees is considered to be safe for healthy adults. 
No lower water temperatures are recommended.
Cold button – must always be on The cold button glows red when it is colding.
very important that the cold plunge is covered with lids when not in use or after 2 hours of use. Expect an decrease of 4-8 degrees per hour.

Do not remove the filter under any circumstances.



1. Definitionsa) The ‘BUSINESS’ means ‘Spa Hire Queenstown’b) The ‘HIRER’ means any person, organization or entity that hires equipment from the Businessc) ‘EQUIPMENT’ means the Spa and associated equipment hired by the Business to the Hirerd) ‘COMMENCEMENT OF HIRE’ is the date on which the equipment was dispatched to the Hirere) ‘HIRE PERIOD’ or ‘DURATION OF HIRE’ is the period from Commencement of Hire until the equipment is available forcollection by the Businessf) ‘HIRE AGREEMENT’: These Conditions of Hire together with a completed hire form constitute the entire agreementbetween the Business and the Hirer2. Generala) The Hirer acknowledges that the hire of any equipment from the Business is subject to these Conditions of Hireb) These Conditions of Hire prevail absolutely over all terms & conditions proposed by the Hirer and can only be waived orvaried in writing by an authorized representative of the Businessc) If any term or condition of the agreement is found to be void or unenforceable by law then the invalidity orunenforceability of the individual term or condition will not affect any other term, condition or aspect of the agreementd) Equipment hired by the Business does not purport to be new equipmente) For the purpose of inspection the Business reserves the right to enter upon any premises where its equipment is on hiref) The Hirer shall in addition to any other obligation on his part herein contained comply with all requirements at lawrelating to the equipment, their possession and use and the premises upon which they are for the time being situated andthe occupation and use of such premises and the Hirer shall protect the equipment from any distress , execution or seizureand shall indemnify the Business and keep it indemnified from and against all losses, costs, charges, damages andexpenses suffered or incurred by it by reason or in respect thereof.g) The business will not be held responsible or liable for any cost or damage caused by manufactures fault3. Paymenta) Payment of the hired equipment will be made based on the charges quoted and/or agreed uponb) The Hirer is liable for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred arising from repossession (in case of the Hirer refusing tohand over the Equipment)c) The Hirer agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Business against any costs incurred by the Business in connectionwith the termination of the agreement including without limitation, legal fees on an indemnity basis and debt collectionagency fees4. Ownership & Right of Possessiona) Equipment on hire from the Business remains the property of the Business at all times.b) The Business may repossess any equipment on hire from the Hirer at any time without notice or reasonc) For the purpose in (b) above a representative of the Business is authorized & entitled at any time and without notice toenter the Hirer’s premises where the equipment is reasonably believed to be kept without liability for trespass or anyresulting damage5. Damage or Lossa) The Hirer will be charged for any repair or replacement of damaged equipment including recertification and/orcommissioning of the replacement equipment and any other associated costs (i.e. freight etc.)b) The Hire Period will continue until any damaged equipment is replaced or repaired to a hireable conditionc) In the case of theft of equipment from the Hirer’s address the Hirer shall promptly and in writing make the Businessaware stating full circumstances of the theft including details of notification of Policed) The Hirer is responsible for any loss or damage of equipment6.1 The Hirer’s Responsibilitya) The Hirer shall at all times use the hired equipment within the hired equipment’s limitations, specifications andcapabilities intended by the manufacturer of the equipmentb) If the hired equipment breaks down or fails the Hirer shall immediately inform the Business as soon as practicable withoutany attempt to repair the equipment.c) If the hired equipment fails or breaks down out of negligence or misuse of the equipment by the hirer the hire chargeswill only cease once the hirer has paid for all repairs or replacement of the equipmentd) The Hirer shall ensure that the Equipment to be collected by the Business shall be in a clean and good order (fair wear andtear excepted) Failure to do so may result in additional charges being charged to the Hirer on returne) The Hirer shall not use or operate or permit the equipment to be used or operated in a manner or for a purpose forwhich the equipment was not designed or manufactured or for a purpose that is unlawfulf) The hirer is responsible for the safety of his/her family members or guests and it is the hirers legal responsibility to ensure the spais kept locked at all times when not in use. Children must be supervised at all times and the spa must be kept clear of any climbableitemsg) The hirer is responsible for the safekeeping and use of the chemical (Chlorine) sachets provided and understands the potentialdangers associated with this chemical. The business has provided the hirer - upon request - with a Chlorine SAFETY DATA SHEET.6.2.1The Hirer shall use operate and possess the equipment at the Hirer’s risk and the Business and/or its proprietors shall not beliable to the Hirer (except to the extent that liability cannot, by law, be excluded) for or in respect of any loss or damagewhatsoever caused to the Hirer, his/her family members or guests whether by way of personal injury, delay, financial loss orotherwise arising from or incidental to a breakdown or defect in or any accident arising from the equipment and the Hirer shallindemnify the Business and its Proprietors jointly and severally and keep them indemnified to the full extent permitted by lawfrom and against actions, proceedings, claims and demands by any person whatsoever whether in respect of damage toproperty, injury to persons or otherwise arising out of or alleged to arise out of a breakdown or defect or any accident to or inrespect of the equipment or the use or operation thereof6.2.2The Hirer hereby indemnifies the Business and its Proprietors jointly and severally and keeps them indemnified from andagainst any such action, suit, proceeding or demand instituted or made against the Business and/or its Proprietors jointly orseverally and resulting from or alleged to result from the operation or use of the equipment by or on behalf of the Hirer.7. The Business’s Responsibilitya) The Business shall provide the hired equipment in what it believes to be a clean, sound and serviceable condition, capableof achieving the item’s stated capacity under normal working conditions.b) The Business will provide a USER GUIDE and a SAFETY DATA SHEET for the equipment hired at the commencement of hire.c) The Business will provide the terms and conditions to the Hirer.WARNING! The use of alcohol, drugs or medication before or during spa use can greatly increase the risk of fatal hypothermia.Please take the time to read through our safety warnings, located in the SPA USER GUIDE & SAFETY DATA SHEET. The effectsof hypothermia include (1)failure to perceive heat, (2)failure to recognize the need to exit spa, (3) unawareness ofimpending hazard, (4) foetal damage in pregnant women, (5)physical inability to exit spa and (6) unconsciousness resultingin the danger of drowning. So Please be careful! Since excessive water temperatures have a high potential for causingfoetal damage during the early months of pregnancy, pregnant or possibly pregnant women should limit spa or hot watertemperatures to 38 degrees C. Persons suffering from obesity with a medical history of heart disease, low or high bloodpressure, circulatory system problems, or diabetes should consult a physician before using a spa. Persons using medicationshould consult a physician before using a spa since some medication may affect heart rate, blood pressure, and circulation.WARNING – CHEMICALS PROVIDED (CHLORINE).Each hire is provided with a daily chemical balance sachet (chlorine). Chlorine is a potentially dangerous chemical if misused. It is theHirers responsibility that the chemicals are kept in a safe and dry environment, out of the reach of children. Please read the SAFETYDATA SHEET and the SPA USER GUIDE at the commencement of the hire.Termsa) Hire Period commences and finishes within the agreed dates.b) The Hirer agrees to maintain spa & filter for the duration of hire as per instructions provided in the SPA USER GUIDE.c) The Hirer has read and understand their responsibilities and requirements with regard to the use of chemicals (chlorine) providedand has either requested the Chlorine Safety Data Sheet or has acquired sufficient knowledge about the use of chlorine from othersources.d) The Hirer has read these terms and conditions and understands his/her responsibilities with regards to safety.e) The Hirer agrees to place a $500 security deposit before the Hire Period can commence. Given the spa has not been damagedduring the Hire Period the deposit will be refunded upon the conclusion of Hire Period.In making payment or in providing Spa Hire Queenstown with the Hirers credit card details the Hirer has read and agrees to theterms and conditions stated above.SPA HIRE QUEENSTOWN does not recommend the consumption of alcohol in conjunction with the use of spa.PLEASE NOTE an additional filter replacement and cleaning fee of $75 will be charged to the Hirer if the spa requires more than thereasonable cleaning time allocated per hire. To avoid this fee ensure you follow the provided SPA USER GUIDE.

Spa Hire Queenstown/Wanaka
Phone  +64 210417061
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Relaxing in your own private spa pool just got easy. On holidays or as a special occasion, Spa Hire Queenstown and Wanaka Hot Tube supply portable spa pools, saunas or cold plunge to accommodation or events throughout Queenstown and Wanaka. Delivered, setup and heated, just awaiting your arrival. Perfect for relaxing with family and friends on a holiday or soaking and unwinding after a day on the slopes.  

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